4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Text: (Rev 7:14)


The Pentecost is the day that the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples. This is a period that we receive the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of power. This Spirit is the power of Christians. Without this Spirit, we will find it difficult to serve God effectively. To receive this Spirit, we must desire Him.

During the creation of man, God the Father involved God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This special attention given to the creation of man was because of God’s love for man. Though God placed man in the garden that He may constantly visit and interact with them, disobedience of man cost him his place in the garden and was also bereft of the Spirit.

God did not give up on man but sought for ways to restore man to Himself. This He achieved by the death of His Son (John 3:16). Hence, Jesus washed us with His blood.

The life of every creature is in the blood (Lev. 17:11 & 14). The blood of animals was used in the past for atonement of sins, however, it was not effective in the sense that the blood of goats and bulls can’t wash away sins.

‘Washed in the blood’ is a phrase used to describe the act of one accepting the free gift of salvation. The importance of the blood of Jesus lies in the fact that, by the remission of His (Jesus) blood, man was set free from the siege of sin.


What the blood has done for us:

1. The blood saves us (Eph 1:17, Heb. 9:12 & 14). The blood redeems, purifies and makes us whole.

2. The blood reconciles us to God. If Christ hadn’t died, we wouldn’t have been reconciled to God.

3. The blood pays the ransom. Christ offered himself for us while we were still sinners (Rom 5:8). This ransom is the reason why no harm can come to us except granted by God. Even in our struggles and our weaknesses, God is still interested in us because he paid a ransom for us.

4. The blood washes away sins (1John 1:17). The blood took away our iniquity, thereby vindicating us of every consequence of our sins.

5. The blood forgives us. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Heb 9:22). The blood of Jesus sets us free.

6. The blood justifies us. Rom 5:9, it is the blood that promises much better things than the blood of Abel. That even while we re stained, it washes us and presents us worthy before God.

7. The blood opens the way to the presence of God (Eph 2:13). It is because of the blood that we have access to the presence of God where there is fullness of joy.

The blood of Jesus gives us dominion (Rev. 12:11). It is this understanding that made the Word of God to remind us the kingdom of God is not about eating and drinking, but of demonstrating power (1 Cor. 4:20). The reason we still fear demons is because we are yet to discover our identity. Discovery leads to recovery.


How we can respond positively to this sacrifice

1. Praising and thanking God in all situations (Rev 7:12). When we learn to praise God in our difficult situation, we will see the manifestation of His power (Phil 4:19).

2. Living a true Christian life. We must look up to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). Shun every distraction in all its forms and shades.

3. Yearning for the secret place. This entails encountering Jesus every day where ever you find yourself. Men are made in the secret place.

4. Witnessing for Christ (Mark 16:15). This is how we show God our appreciation for what he has done. Our witnessing is not just by our Words, but most importantly, by our actions. We must live out the Word of God (James 1:22).

5. Imitating Jesus. By imitating Jesus, we must have the character of Jesus, follow his footsteps, and keep his commands.

6.Loving Jesus sincerely and extending this love to all humanity (Mark 12:30-31). Without love, it is very difficult to be his child.

Thing to do as one who has been washed in the blood

1. Lay aside garments that are stained with sin. Sin must not have dominion over us (Rom 6:12).

2. Rest each moment in the crucified

3. Dwelling daily by the…..