Awka CCRN 21 days program – 12 January, 2023

2 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Busy but Guilty


There are some set of persons who are struggling, doing all they can to make heaven, but are still guilty. These set of persons will be disqualified on the last day, except they realize what the master wants from them.

In the decisions we take, assess them well before you carry them out as some of them might be working against the will of God. If this is the case, even in our struggle to have a relationship with the master, one will not succeed.

Luke 9: 52 – Most times, there is need for evaluations before we make pronouncement or statements, as it is by the words of our mouth that we shall be judged.

Whoever puts his hand in the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Jesus is warning, that he will disappoint people on the last day, as he is a just judge. His words must come to fulfilment. He commanded – Be Holy, as he is Holy. Holiness is not a choice. It is a command and a must for every serious minded Christian. It is a mark that distinguishes us from the world. Holy people are the ones ready to receive the mark of the Father.

If you have been busy in the vineyard of the Lord and you haven’t evaluated yourself and decisions, it is time to evaluate every single one of them, so they might give glory to the father. One’s actions may not be the problem, but One’s disposition towards it.


Martha was busy with so many activities when Jesus came visiting, She wanted Mary to be of assistance to her at the kitchen, it was a actually a good thing trying to attend to their guest Jesus, but the truth is that she didn’t discern the timing, and Jesus confirmed it by His response – Mary has chosen the right thing and no one can take it away from her – “busy and guilty.”

In 2 Cor 9 – St Paul reminded himself, that he will run the race as a winner, by subjecting his body, that at the end, he will not be disqualified.

Phil 1:27-30 – Try then to adjust your life according to the gospel of Christ, may I see it when I come to you, and if I cannot come, may I at least hear that you stand firm in the same spirit, striving to uphold the gospel with one heart, do not be afraid of your opponent.

Leadership on the other hand has become an issue in the church which has made so many people busy but Guilty. It is easy to say I am a believer, or I belong to this group or that group, it’s not just by words of mouth, but it must take some sacrifice and diligence. It is a call for duty and to suffer for Christ, that we may be busy in his vineyard and glorifying God at the same time.

In conclusion:

Christ says that we might suffer for a while, he knows that we can not persist for a long time, but when we conquer, we bring glory to him and we are assured of Heaven.

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And I pray for you today, may you not be a sign board that directs people but don’t have access to the destination. You will never be a victim of “Busy but guilty” in the name of Jesus, Amen!!.

Peace be with you all….