BE LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT – ROMANS 8:14 (Pentecost Day 4 Reflection)

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

” If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25, RSV).

The life in the Spirit is the expectation of all that are called to Christ Jesus. This life is the life of Christ; the same life that we are expected to carry. God recreated us in baptism that we may once again bear his image by virtue of the new life that he puts in us – the same life that Christ has.

Having this renewed life, we may once again fulfill the desire of God at the first creation, which is to be light to the world; Our mission was and still remains, to manifest the nature of God at all time and in all places and for us to achieve it, we need the Holy Spirit.

In his letter to the Galatians, St Paul admonishes us that

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passion and desires” (Gal 5:24).

He did not say that they will crucify the flesh, but that they have done so already. Before we can be fully led by the Spirit, we must first of all crucify the flesh and its passion.

How then can we walk by the Spirit? This begins with our readiness and willingness to abide by every element of divine revelation that has been given to us by the Lord.

The Lord has revealed himself, his way and his will through the Scripture, the Church and also through the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. It is now onus on us to ensure that we are guided by them and not by the world.

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Every day, we face the challenge of testifying for Christ Jesus; in our homes, offices, villages, businesses, Church, in the street and in deed everywhere; but how often do we say ‘YES JESUS’. Beloved, if indeed we crucified the flesh (i.e. the human nature) and now the Spirit is the only force at work in us, then our lives must be an everyday expression of the fruits of the Spirit; if not then there is a problem somewhere.

We need to go back to studying and knowing God in the Scripture, in the Church and in the manifestations of the Holy Spirit; to equip us with the true knowledge of God.  We need to dwell in God’s presence in prayer, to gain the power and grace for exploit. We need to passionately follow the Master’s Instruction by the power of the Holy Spirit and at all times say, YES JESUS.

If we do so, the Spirit will lead us through the Way of holiness, unto the Truth and into the Life (the fullness of our manifestation and existence); to enable us share the eternal glory of God, because where the Father is, there shall his sons be too – “for all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Rom 8:14, RSV)

Prayer Point/meditation; Use Psalm 51

1.    Ask God to set you free from partial commitment to Jesus.

2.    Pray for the grace for total surrender unto Him.

3.    Ask God for grace to fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

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(Source: 2018 Awka Diocesan CCRN Pentecost Programme, Day 4)