Be Mindful of the Things of God (Seminar 4: Day 4)

6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Read: Matthew 16:21-26

Who is first in your life? What takes preeminence in your life? Please answer this question with all sincerity.

Your answer may be promotion. You’ve worked for long but haven’t gotten a raise. It may be job. You’ve graduated but with no meaningful employment. It can be children. You’ve married but not have children enough as you wanted. It can be any other thing.

But today’s verses remind us of the thing that should be supreme in our lives. What things?It is the things of God. Matthew 6:33 says ‘seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.’

Jesus today asks me my motive for wanting to follow Him, selfish Ambitions? Worldly gains? If I must be a true follower, I must drop self, or whatever I might gain and follow Him even if it cost me my Life. While I follow, I must remember, He is taking the lead and not me.

Say This Prayer

Lord Jesus help me follow you just as the sheep follows the Shepherd anywhere it is lead. Amen.

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