3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Topic: Bridging the gap of Separation through Effective Evangelization

Focus: Helping members to understand the role of Evangelizers in reconciling men back to God


Civil Engineers understood what a bridge is very well. When there is a gap in a land, may be as a result of erosion or topographic depression, an embankment or bridge is constructed for easy passage or to have access on both lands.

In this context, the gap of separation here is what sin has done to humanity. Isaiah 59:1-2 says that sin has caused a separation between us and God, in Isaiah 60:1, the scripture says that a thick cloud of darkness is over the people, and the worst darkness is that which covers one’s spiritual knowledge. Romans 3:23-24 emphatically made it known that because we have sinned, we have perpetually fallen short of His glory. This gap or wall of separation is what sin has brought. Sin is a spirit on its own, it’s not learned, it is a nature we have because we were born with it, but now, if any man will come to Christ by believing in Christ through faith, then, such a soul will be saved.


2 Corinthians 5:11 says that knowing the terror of the Lord, we try to persuade men. What ‘re we persuading men for? To come to the full knowledge of Christ and accepting his finished work of redemption. Why the persuasion? Because of the danger that lies ahead haven known the terror of God, how fearful and dreaded it will be on that last day.


THE FURY OF SATAN (Revelation 12:7-12)

One thing many Christians ‘re unaware of, is the verse 12 of Revelation 12 with an emphasis that the devil came down to the earth with great fury haven been hurled down, because he knew he had no time. This is why he distributed powers to the one-third of the Angels he was able to gather for himself before the war in Heaven began, and then equally occupied all the spheres of the earth on been thrown out, a known fact why there is power in the ocean (hydrospheric spirits), space (cosmic spirits), tree (aboreal spirits), land (lithospheric spirits) forest, human being, mountain, valley and so on.

Brethren, there is a great danger ahead. This is because the geometric increase of evangelization is highly lesser than the increase in evil scheme and sin. Sin is multiplying with great progression, but the ministers called to bridge this wall are no where to be found, many ‘re already dead.

BRIDGING THE GAP (2 Corinthians 5:17-22)

There is a commission Christ set before departing the earth, he selected men and made them ambassadors, ministers and high commissioners and gave them the ministry, department and agency of reconciling men back to himself. Not by force but by conviction through which the Spirit gives. This is why the scripture says that we have been given the ministry of reconciliation, to bring men to true repentance. The gospel we ‘re asked to use is that God is no longer counting on our sins. But has given all men the chances of coming back. For where sin increases, Grace multiplies even much more. Therefore, we no longer carry the message of threat to unbelievers, but a message filled with love and compassion which Christ left his glorious throne to die for minus-minded mankind.

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The evangelization is suppose to be both in actions and in words. One cannot give what he doesn’t have. Effective Evangelization should be reflected greatly through our lives, the radiation of the gospel emanating from us should be enough to give light to the whole world. This is why Jesus Christ said that we ‘re the light of the world in Matthew 5:14. Our life should be a reflection of Christ, our words, actions, character or trait and responsibilities should be seasoned and must give glory to God. We must deploy every means of sending these spiritual hypersonic missiles (gospel preaching). It could be by the life we live, social media evangelization, one on one, morning and evening call, production of flyers and tracks, and so on. As the world is changing and advancing in technology, we must advance along with the gospel of Christ and leave no stone unturned.


This ministry should be guarded jealously. And our primary message to the world is that the sins of men ‘re no longer counted when they build resilience and find their ways back to Christ. 2 Timothy 4:1-2 says, I solemnly charge you therefore before God, preach the word, be ready in and out of season, correct, rebuke and instruct people in the ways of Christ.

May the peace of Christ dwells with us!! Amen.