Cultivating the Habit of Praising God at All Times (Gen 29:35)

6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Praise is a humble adoration of our Almighty God. In praise we voice our sincere and deep gratitude for who God is and what He does.

Through praise we foster awareness with God. Praises pushes the worries of life away and opens our hearts to receive God’s joy.

Developing the Habit of Praising God

1. Worship God Immediately You Rise from Sleep every Morning.

Sing this song always – Great is faithful, great is your faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see…. Lamentations 3:23,

2. Lay Aside Every Sin, Burden’s and Worries of Life (Hebrew 12:1-2)

Sin damps your spirit and makes you sorrowful. Burden keeps you in pain and worries distracts your spirit.

3. Thank God for Everything That Happens In Your Life, Good or Bad, small or great (1 Thess 5:18)

Thank God even for little success. Thank God for the food you eat, air, water, light, houses, children, life etc. Remember these things and glorify the Lord.

4. Ask For Grace and Gift of Worship

If you are finding it hard to praise God, ask for His grace (1 Cor 15:10). Ask Holy Spirit for the gift of praising God.

5. Set Your Mind Towards God Always.

Develop deep love for God. There is no way you will be enjoying the presence of God without having the urge to praise Him. Be God’s conscious ( Isaiah 26:3)

6. Learn from the men of old.

*Israelites praised God (Ex 15:11).
*Leah called her fourth son’s name: Judah meaning Praise (Exodus 29:35).
*David praised God a lot (Ps 34:1). He sang many psalms.
*Israelites won many of their battles by praising God.
*Jesus always thanked in many occasions.
*Paul and Silas in prison praised God (Acts 16:25)

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Learn from them. Emulate them.

7. Listen to spiritual songs regularly.

If you walk with the wise you’ll become wise. Play spiritual songs regularly. It will inspire you a lot to praise God.