Every Miracle Is For A Purpose

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Read: Luke 5:1-11

Why do you seek miracle? To be healed? To be delivered from satanic subjugation? For financial increase? For breakthrough? Yes, why do you seek the hand of God in a particular situation? The immediate reason can be any of the above.

However, there’s much more. When God grants miracles, He had a greater purpose in mind. God wants you to be drawn to Him and become a person through whom many will come to know God.

God doesn’t necessarily want you to go and celebrate the miracle but to go and witness for Him, to go and draw souls to God. He wants you to go and ‘catch’ men and bring them into the Kingdom of God.

Peter and his partners were thrilled today by a great catch of fish that made their nets to begin to break. Not only that, they became greatly astonished when they filled two boats and both boats began to sink! When God begins to work, you will know!

The next words of Jesus to Simon Peter was “Fear not, from now you will catch men” (Luke 5:10). The next verse said that they forsook all and followed Jesus Christ. Brethren, how often have you relaxed to enjoy miracles and your successes rather than steadfastly following Jesus to win more souls to God.

Let every manifestation of God in your life be an added opportunity to win souls and make more disciples. Amen.

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