4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


Text:  (Phil 4:13)

Focus: Understanding how to attract anointing, how to keep it and how to grow it.


For you to do all things, there must be something resident within you; and that is anointing. Anointing is God’s ability in a human being or material vessel and causing that being to produce God’s dimension of result. Without anointing, your ability to do all things is questionable.

No matter how much zeal you have in you, without anointing you cannot do good; zeal alone will not suffice (Acts 10:38). Yokes are broken, burdens are lifted, captives are set free because of anointing (Isaiah 61:1-3; Isaiah10:27).

Two Ways To Receive Anointing

1. Directly from God (Luke 4:18-19, Acts 10:38, Exodus 31:1).

2. Impartation by those who carry anointing (Acts 8:1-28, 2 kings 2:9-14).

Any anointing you don’t respect, you cannot attract.

How to Attract and Grow in Anointing

1. Underatanding and discernment (Psalm 80:5-6).
When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Discernment help you to know the vessel that is filled with the anointing (2kings 4:8)

Anointing can help you:

a. Subdue every work of darkness (Psalm 56:3, Isaiah 10:27, Isaiah. 51:1-4)
b. To fulfil divine mandate
c. To manifest results that are according to God’s standards

2. A burning and just hunger for the anointing (Mtt. 5:6, Psalm 122:1, Psalm 34:8). The price of passion is in pursuit.

3. Intimacy with God (Prov 23:2-6)
How to enjoy intimacy with God
a. Studying the Word (Jeremiah 23:29).
b. Prayer (Luke 6:12)
c. Tarrying in the presence of God (Exodus 34:28-29 , Psalm 27:4)


4. Service with a pure heart

5. Honour
Discerning and celebrating, and if possible rewarding, a vessel that carries the anointing. You cannot receive from a vessel you dishonour. When you are too big to honour, you might be too big to receive.

6. Righteousness

7. Focus and Concentration (2kings 2:11, Luke 24:49)