Intimacy With God (Part 2)

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 2
Spread the Good News

To be intimate with God is to live with Him, commune and dine with God.

To be intimate with God is to know His heart pleasure and ensure its carried out.

The best thing man should do on Earth is to strive to become intimate with God.

To do this, you should know and follow this process:

1] You must understand the need for intimacy.

If you don’t know the value of something, you won’t go after it. The best place to be is in the presence of God. If you leave the presence of God, you begin to dine with pigs.


2] Deal with the flesh.

There’s nothing as weak and wicked as flesh. The flesh is not our friends. What the human nature desires is totally opposed to what the Spirit wants (Galatians 5:16-22) You must deactivate the flesh by allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell and control you.

3] Have time for God.

Every relationship grows when the parties make time for each other. If you have time for God, he will have time for you. The amount of time you spend in God’s presence determines the amount of God’s presence you have.

4] Study and meditate on the word of God.

5] Be friend to the Holy Spirit.

6] Fellowship with the brethren.

To become intimate with God, it must cost you a lot:

✓ You must be separated unto God.
✓ You must crucify the flesh.
✓ You must live by God’s will

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The benefit that comes with becoming intimate with God includes:

✓ Heaven ✓Prosperity ✓Protection ✓ Joy ✓Peace, etc.

Peace be with you!!