Jesus is the Lord of your Life – Day 7

9 years ago Service Team 0
Spread the Good News

Study Verse: Revelation 1:10-18

The Lord of our life; he who is the beginning and the end, appears to John in the splendor of his beauty, royalty and Lordship – fully clothed with glory. At a time like this, we should imagine ourselves in the place of John. Beholding this awesome presence and praying to him. It is a time to behold the Lord and dwelling in his glory; seeing him in our mind in the same appearance as described by John and appreciating the glory of our Lord and King. May we take this time to meditate on his presence and let his glory move in us.

As I behold thy presence oh Lord, may you transform me to the next level of glory.


Dear Friend, kindly study the Bible verse and the reflection, to get God’s message for today and pray with the prayer intention above.

READ MORE ARTICLES  The Gifts And Manifestation Of The Holy Spirit.