Jesus Saves and Sets You Free

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 5
Spread the Good News


God’s love does not imply a smooth path. After the baptism of Jesus, at the declaration of God’s love upon his life, the Holy spirit led him to the desert/Wilderness where he was without food or drink and tempted for 40 days and 40 nights (Cf. Lk 4:1-13). To get the above statement, verse 13 of Luke 4 says – “When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.” The devil hadn’t given up on Christ.


– Gen 2:17 – Man falls to sin in disobedience
– Gen 3:16-19 – God declares judgement on Adam and Eve.

Sin drove man away from God’s presence. It deprived man of God’s favour and condemned man to a life of suffering. Gen 3:22-24 – God drove man away from his presence.


God still loves man and set in motion series of events to save man.

From the Old Covenant:
He attempted to save man through His covenant with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua. All these old covenants failed.

From the New Covenant:
Through the new covenant with Jesus, man was saved (Cf. Hebrew 9:15). God’s move to save man through the death of Jesus was countered by the devil in different fronts. The devil tried to frustrate the success of the new covenant by attacking Mary (Revelation) and Jesus; through series of temptations.

The devil has no new tricks. The same temptation of food and power which he used against Eve, was the same temptation he presented to Jesus, and is still the means by which he holds men of today captive.

READ MORE ARTICLES  Jesus saves you and sets you free – Day 3

It is Jesus that saves us by his death on the cross (Cf. Jhn 19:30). Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (death) Gal 3:13-14.

He has liberated us from every captivity of sin and ushered us into God’s promises (Colossians 1:13), it is important to note that any form of captivity in our lives is a sign of the absence of Jesus in our lives. Jesus has saved you, it is by accepting the truth and diligently working out your salvation in fear and trembling that you are set free.

Until you accept this truth, hours of prayer will not avail much.

Sicknesses in form of pandemics or epidemics is a sign of God’s anger on account of our sin. We may sanctify every part of our body to be free from this global tremor, but until our soul is sanctified, we’ll surely die wether physically or spiritually. (Cf. 2 chro 7).

Jesus has saved you, but until you accept the truth, you cannot be set free from the powers that hold you captive. If Jesus has saved you and set you free, you must;

1. Make holiness a priority.
2. Have time for the word of God on a daily basis.
