4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


The world is rapidly changing. Vices are being celebrated world over. It is in the midst of these present decadence that the life in the spirit seminar has become a necessity for the renewal of believers.

Seminar is from the root words Semenarium; “Semen” (seed) and “arium” (place for).

Life in the Spirit Seminar then implies – to sow a spiritual seed in the life of believers.

The Word has existed from the begining (John 1: 1-5) and it was by this Word that God created all things.

After creation, God needed someone who knows the mind of the maker to take care of what He created (Gen 1:26-28). Hence, He created man in His own image and likeness. God placed man in the garden and gave him dominion. But man deviated. This disobedience brought disaster and calamity into the world.

Though God banished man from the garden of Eden (Physical garden situated in southern Iraq) on account of his fall, He did not abandon man. He continued to make plans to redeem man, through differnt prophets until Jesus came.

The gift of God to man is Jesus, not prophesy, healing, tongues, amongst others.

When Jesus came, He started by teaching His disciples about the kingdom. He taught them how to live the life of the Spirit – the life in the spirit seminar. This knowledge is the foundation for the power which was to come.

Knowing that man’s fall was as a result of disobedience, Jesus decided to emphasize its importance as well as the fact that it is the only way to prove their love for Him. And as a reward for obedience, He will send them the Holy Spirit – Our Helper. (Jhn 14:15, Jhn 15:26).

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The Holy Spirit will reveal to them the secret of the Kingdom, telling them all the things they needed to know (John 16:5-6, 12-15). When the Holy Spirit eventually came, He brought His gifts to men as well; the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Cor 12). To different men He gave different gifts.

That same spirit that resurrected Jesus is still in us, however, we have grown cold and reluctant about stirring up the power of the Holy Spirit in us (cf. Mtt 11:12). The reason we still struggle with some challenges in our lives is because we have kept our mouth shut. What God needs from us is to prophesy and the Holy Spirit will move (cf. Ezik 37). We need to rise and take the dominion given to us by the Trinity.

The Spirit is already in us, all we need is to fan it into flame.

Get this knowledge today; The gift of God to man is Jesus Christ, the gift of Jesus Christ to man is the Holy Spirit, and finally the gifts of the Holy Spirit to man is both the Ministerial, Office and Sacramental gifts we use today for God’s own glory and man’s edification.

