3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

The mercies of God are new every morning. Our journey with God is of three major paths:

The love of the father
The Grace of Jesus
The communion of the Holy Spirit

When God initiated the plan of salvation, it’s not even about the sinfulness of man that first propelled Him but the love he had for man. The grace of Jesus through the presence of the Holy Spirit has kept us going till today. The salvation that Jesus gave actually took place in the Spirit.

Salvation is not something we think has been done only, but something to be manifested in our life. Jesus gave a salvation that should have effect by its manifestation. Being a child of God is not a title but something to live out. If this is not done, something is wrong somewhere. God has given salvation to all, then, if you accept it, you re saved, if you reject it, you are condemned.

Philippians 2:5-11 – Jesus merited his Lordship through obedient to death, even death on the cross. The Lordship of Jesus is a spiritual reality. He earned it, he merited it, if you accept it, it is to your advantage. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour, you have surrendered everything to him. Colossians 3:3* – If you give Jesus your life to be your Lord, you are dead, a dead man does not. The Lordship of Jesus is that Christ will be your life. Galatians 2:20 says that the life we now live, we live in Christ. The Lordship of Jesus is accepting his dominion.

How does Jesus dominates the life of a Christian?


He dominates our lives through the word. The word of God becomes our guide, our direction and agreement. When Jesus becomes the Lord of our life, the word of God becomes the only voice we obey.

There three (3) major voices that distract us in life

1. The voice of the flesh:
This voice is competing with the voice of God. This voice is our greatest enemy and detrimental to our life. The voice of the flesh is a very strong voice trying get our attention. it’s unfortunate many Christians are obeying this voice. If you know how this flesh is trying so hard to land you into hell, you will never again give it attention. Galatians 6:8 says that whoever that sows in the flesh, will reap corruption, but whoever that sows in the Spirit, will reap everlasting life. Romans 8:12-14 says – therefore, brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh, if you will obey the flesh, you will surely die, but if you obey the Spirit, you will live, those that are lead by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Galatians 5:16-17 – reminded us to always walk in the Spirit so as not to gratify the desires of the flesh, for what the Spirit wants is in contrapuntal to the desires of the flesh, for if you re lead by the Spirit of God, you re not under any law.

2. The voice of the world:
The voice of the world is another greatest enemy of man. In the world, we have the saved and the unsaved. The unsaved are the people of the world. The people, the philosophy, the pattern and the intelligence of the world are very strong voices that war against God’s children. The world will come up against you when you only obey the voice of God, they will gang up against you, they will crucify you and persecute you. Jesus said, if they call me your Lord Belzebub, what will become your case? If the world does not find you different, then you are of the world. Colossians 2:8-10 warned us against being deceived by worldly philosophy. The way people of this world understand things is totally different, they have an ideology contrary to the will of God, be mindful of all these. The moment you accept Jesus as your Lord, you must cease to obey the voice of the world because it is so loud. Romans 12:2 warned us against this – don’t conform to the standard of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. 1John 2:15-17 says – do not love the world or what is in it, for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, they are not from the father but of the world, but he that obeys the word of God will live forever. Hebrews 13:13 finally encouraged us – let’s go outside the camp for a while to tarry.

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3. The voice of the devil:
Our greatest battle with the devil is of the mind. the mind is divided into the will, emotion, intelligence etc. The devil does everything possible to dominate the will of a man, and unfortunately, a lot of people have surrendered their will knowingly and unknowingly to the devil. Look at what happened in the garden of Eden, the devil first worked on the memory of Eve by engaging her in a discussion, and finally, she fell for it. The devil tried the same with Jesus, he started by trying to work on Jesus’ emotion, of course Jesus was hungry, he tried to engage him as well in a discussion but Jesus being dominated by the word of God (of course the word He is) resisted the devil so sharp that he fled. Jesus only obeyed the voice of God and He will always quote – “It is written”. As a child of God, always resist him with the words of Christ – “It is written”. Our life must be a life of it is written. James 4:7 encouraged us to resist the devil for he will surely run away. The devil sometimes works on our emotions, because our problems are so numerous, and the devil do take advantage of that and magnify it in a way that we will become too emotional of our problems, when this happens, we then begin to listen to him. Resist him, try to get knowledge!!

When you accept the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the following happens:


1. That’s what makes your being a child of God real. Being a child of God is not a title, it’s an action. (John 1:12, 1John 3:8)

2. You are free from condemnation (Romans 8:1).

3. Your salvation is guaranteed Romans (10: 10-13), and invariably, Jesus becomes your saviour

4. He qualifies you to be a Christian which makes you a disciple of Jesus.