The Rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News
bread-and-cup-2The story of Richman and Lazarus comes to remind us of need to re examine our lives and see various ways in which we might be manifesting the unconcerned attitude of the Rich man today. What can we learn from this parable told by Jesus.
1. Good legacy – We should build good legacies while we live. Check your life, are you impacting lives positively? Are there lives that will testify positively about your life? Impact lives positively.
2. Show concern – Yes, we should be attracted to peoples misfortune. We should not ignore them, nor be indifference to the suffering of our neighbors. A simple sorry, can do. One can go further and ask how helpful he or she can be. Then assist the much you can.
3. Remember the Judgment Day –  Always be mindful that our actions will be judged on the last day. And we know how terrible it is to lose or fail in a court cases, how much more to fall under the terrible wrath of our creator on the last day. Both the poor and the rich will be judged.
4. Eternal Reward –  It does not all end here on earth, there is a reward for every righteous living. Let us all strive to live in love with our neighbors.
O Lord give me grace to show concern to the suffering of other people. Amen.

READ MORE ARTICLES  When The Lord Stands With You.