You are called to be a disciple of Jesus – Day 4
9 years ago Service Team 0
Study Verse: Matthew 16:21-28
Christ introduces us to yet another principle of discipleship – self-denial and sacrifice. He teaches us that to be a good follower we must be ready to deny ourself, take up my cross daily and follow him. Self-denial and sacrifice is an essential key to successful discipleship. Christ wants to lead us according to his ways but many a time the flesh tries to entice us to seek our own desire as against that of God. So Christ says, “He who saves his life will lose it and he who loses his life for my sake will find it”. Christ leads and we follow. Our Will must be consumed by his and things that comply with his direction must take precedence over ours; even as we do away with everything that does not conform to his way.
Help me oh Lord, to denial myself, carry my cross daily and follow him.
Dear Friend, kindly study the Bible verse and the reflection, to get God’s message for today and pray with the prayer intention above.