You Then Are The Body Of Christ.
8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 2
A Christian life is not lived alone. It is a life lived together with other believers in joy and true love. Indeed, the first fruit of the Holy Spirit is the formation of a community – the community of believers which is the Church (Acts 11:26).
As revealed in Acts 2:41-47, the early disciples lived as a community which held and shared resources together. Their community was marked with some distinctive characteristics:
1). Faithfulness to the teachings of the Apostles (Bible study).
2). Devotion to Fellowship (Regular meetings and visits of one another).
3). Faithfulness to the breaking of bread (Regular Eucharistic celebration).
4). Devotion to Prayer (Daily individual prayer and praying together).
Devotion to these activities not only made the community to grow but also kept them firm and strong as a whole. This thus is another work of the Holy Spirit – to lead all believers become into a united body, the Body of Christ, with Christ being the Head.
As a member of the body, every Christian sees his or her importance in the body, just as natural human body in which every part has role to play. No part of the body is without significance no matter how small that part is, but all work together to ensure that human purpose is accomplished. So is every member in the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-31).
We pray that, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, all believers will remain united, and carry out their purposes effectively and in love, toward the fulfillment of the mission of the Church. Amen.
ben D. Apr 01, 2022 at 3:12 pm
that picure is so ugly omg
ReplyIfy Jul 02, 2022 at 12:07 pm
Following Christ and communing with other brethren gives strength to the body of Christ! Thank you for this piece, remain blessed.