Allow the Holy Spirit to Dwell in You (Seminar 6: Day 2)
6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
In John 6:63, the Scripture reveals that It is the Spirit that gives life. The flesh must die because it is of no use to God.
Is the Holy Spirit truly dwelling in you? Have you through the Spirit completely put to death the desires of the flesh – the evil nature we inherited from Adam.
This is a must! Flesh must die! How can this be done? Groan in the Spirit! Rededicate your life to God. Ask Holy Spirit to come alive in you in a more practical and effective manner. Participate in the life in the Spirit seminar if possible.
Live, henceforth in the Spirit. Allow every of your life’s activities to be directed by the Holy Spirit. Tell Holy Spirit what you’re doing.
Doing this allows you to submit to God and do the works of God, the works of righteousness. Holy Spirit then makes you bold to call God, “ABBA FATHER.” He makes you bold to suffer with Christ, knowing that therein lies your glory.
Declare these words
I am debtor to the Spirit. Holy Spirit come upon me and dwell in me. Live in me always. Let me walk by you every moment. I want to be glorified with Christ. Help me, Holy Spirit.