Awake To Righteousness (Outreach Message)

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Are you living uprightly? Are your ways pleasing to God? Can you confidently say that God is happy with your life? Or are you struggling with any sin?

One thing you must know is that God is righteous. He is holy in all His ways. He loves you and created you in His image and likeness. He wants you to be like Him in all things.

As God is holy, He wants you to be holy. As He is righteous, He wants you to live in righteousness, showcasing His goodness and character to other people.

What is Righteousness?

Righteousness is the quality of being morally upright, without sin. For those who believe in Jesus Christ, righteousness means being put right with God. It is a gift God gives His children which empowers them to do good works always.

Is it a Must that I should live a life of Righteousness?

Yes. In fact, it is the only way God wants you to live. This is so because God who made you is righteous and wants all His people to live righteously. God does not tolerate sin!

Moreover, living a life of righteousness has a lot of advantages. These include the following:

1) It enables you to please God who made you: Your reason for being alive today is to do those things which will bring joy and pleasure to God (Hebrew 11:5)

2) God hears you when you pray and takes care of you: God does not forsake His righteous people. (Psalm 37:25)

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3) It brings God’s favour and blessings: If you live uprightly, God will single you out for great blessings (Deut. 28:1-13)

4) You will have joy, peace and satisfaction in life: When you live righteously, you will not regret your life, as your life will be spent doing good works (Ephesians 2:10)

5) You will have promotion and success: Righteousness exalts a nation but sin a reproach to any people (Prov. 14:34)

6) It helps you to have enduring wealth and honour: If you carry your life activities with uprightness, God will give you lasting riches and wealth (Psalm 112:3)

7) You enjoy eternal life in the kingdom of God: The righteous shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 13:43)

8) Righteousness will protect you from danger: Righteousness is a breastplate and will protect your heart from attack of the evil one (Ephesians 6:14)

9) You will reign in life: You will have dominion over sin, and what you say will happen (Romans 5:17)

10) You will flourish in life: Your life will be a blessing to many people. Many people will return to God because of the way you live (Psalm 92:12)

How Can I Live A Righteous Life?

It is only God that will enable you to live uprightly. So, you need to return to God. You must believe in Jesus Christ, who will destroy the power of sin in you, and give you the gift of righteousness. You cannot live righteously by your own power.

You must give your life completely to God. You must cease to do evil for sin will destroy your life. Do only good works. Make friends with righteous people.

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Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be kept holy. God Himself will guide you in every righteous ways, so spend time studying the bible. Be prayerful also.

Have You Received Jesus Christ into your Life?

Have you made Jesus your personal Lord and Saviour? If you have not, then do it now. Believe in Jesus Christ and receive the grace of righteousness. God loves you. He wants you to live righteously all the time for in it is lasting joy. Amen.


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Courtsey of:
Bread of Life Prayer Group (Adult Charismatic),
Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria (CCRN),
St. Joseph the Worker Chaplaincy, Unizik, Awka.