4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


Text: Isa: 43v18-22
At a time in the life of the Israelites, they were going through a difficult time in captivity. In that state of despondency and hopelessness, the word of the Lord came to the Israelites through the prophet Isaiah, that God is doing a new thing and it is already happening. These words restored hope in the life of the Israelites. In the same vain, you are a chosen generation, a holy natiin, a people set apart” (1 Peter 2:9).

Because God resides within us, we are going to manifest (Luke 17:21 Psalm 87:7).

“Do not cling on the events of the past” (Isaiah. 43:18), because God has promised to do a new thing in our lives. God assured us that, “I know my thoughts towards you, they are of good to give you a future and an expected end” (Jer. 29:11).

God’s word is coming to us today in its entirety. God’s word contains three things;
1. His promises
2. His principles
3. His prophesies

God’s Promises:
Gods promises are His commitments to us. These promises are for us and we must position ourselves to receive them. And because the word of God is true, we will surely receive these promises. It doesn’t matter how long your situation has lingered, God is going to do something new.

God’s principles:
God is a God of principles. God’s principles are His methodologies. Though unchanging, He does things in diverse ways, such that you cannot predict him.


God’s prophesies:
The bible contains prophesies, which are the revelations of God to men, to give us hope, joy, peace. It is in this light that today’s message is bringing us words of hope.

We must always look up to jesus on whom our faith lies (Hebrews 12:2). We must not put our trust in man, but in God (Jeremiah 17:5-7).

God is not interested in our past; be it good or bad. Some of us lean on our past successes/achievements. Some of us bemoan our past disappointments and failures. Holding on to the past is capable of destroying our present.

Most of us have had our spiritual growth truncated because of our attachment to the glories of the past. Some of us enjoyed a lot of prosperity in the past. And even though things have taken a downward slide, we still cling unto those past successes to the detriment of today’s progress.

Also, our past could have been filled with stories of sorrows and afflictions. We must look with hope into the future for God has promised us healing from all infirmities (Jeremiah 30:17). All we need do is to put our trust in Him, irrespective of how impossible the situation might appear. “Things that are impossible for humans are possible for God” (Luke 18:27). God never fails. Whoever puts his trust in God will never be disappointed (Romans 10:11).

Whatever be the past event that is still bothering us, let us forget the events of the past and press foward (Phillipians 3:13). Today, the call upon our lives is to look with optimism to the future. As a child of God, we are called to set our hearts on what is ahead and not look back, no matter what. “Anyone who sets his hand on the plough and looks back is not worthy of the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).


Sometimes the enemy capitalizes on our past sins to yoke us unto the past. But the word of God says that he that the son of man sets free is free indeed. Therefore, as children of God we must not allow our past sins and mistakes hold us down.

Let us imitate Jesus who has perfected the act of looking ahead. That was why the moment He ressurected He stopped talking about His ressurection and focused on His ascension. Hold not unto the past!

As children of God, the journey will not always be smooth. We will not be without trials and temptations in this world, but we must cheer up for Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). We must not despair in our sorrows and difficulties, rather heed the encouragement of St. Paul, “Take your part in suffering, as a loyal soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3). Believe in God who has come today to do a new thing in our lives. All we need is to believe and we will see the glory of God (Matthew 21:22).

Today’s message is one of hope. Do not lose heart, for God has promised to elevate you, to release fresh anointing, release fire to fulfil our divine mandate of evangelizayion, the fire to pray, the zeal to study and meditate on the word of God daily. And when God makes a promise it will surely come to pass.