Benefits of Knowing God’s Words.

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 3
Spread the Good News

bread-and-cup-2Is there really any need to read the Bible? In other words, is it of any benefit or advantage? Can’t I live in this world alone, without any knowledge coming from scripture. Why should I read the scripture and know them? Serious questions, aren’t they?

Here are Nine Reasons why one, and more importantly a Christian, need to know the Scriptures.

1. It Nourishes Soul:
The word of God nourishes our soul. As natural food nourishes our bodies, so God’s words feed and sustain our soul. (Psalm 119:125)

2. Life To Our Soul.
The word of God gives life to our soul. It helps us to live and work the works of God. Jesus said, ‘It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing; the word I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life’ (John 6:63).

3. Strength To Our Bones.
According to Proverb 3:8, the word of God brings healing and strength to our bones. God does not want His people to be weak and famished. He gave us His words in order to live, be healthy and strong.

4. It Gives Comfort, Encouragement and Hope.
The Lord comforts us through His words. In times of affliction and disaster, His words come to comfort and give us hope.

5. It Gives Wisdom.
Proverb 2:6 says that the Lord gives wisdom and out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. Where else can one get fresh and enduring wisdom; it is from the Lord, our Maker. He knows all things.

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6. It Gives Revelation and Direction.
Psalm 119:105 says that the word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We make a lot of mistakes when we negate God’s words.

7. It Keeps Us From Temptation.
The word of God keeps us from falling into temptation and sin. It delivers from death. (Psalm 119:11)

8. Understand the will of God.
God has revealed His will to man through the Scriptures. Reading and meditating in the word of God showcases the thoughts and minds of God to us, thus enabling us to know and commit to a life that is pleasing to God.

9. For A Successful Living:
God wants us to be successful in our various vacations and His words are advantageous for that purpose. (Joshua 1:8-9).

We pray that you make reading and meditating in God’s word a habit, for it will definitely transform you, and its application in your life will, without doubt, lead to Fruitful living. Shalom.