Bible Reading Plan for Week 61 (September 24 – 30, 2023)

1 year ago Evangelical Ministry 2
Spread the Good News

Bible Reading Plan for Week 61 _(September 24 – 30, 2023)_

Praise God!

Beloved, our 2-Year Bible Reading Plan is ongoing. Each day, we read at least 2 Chapters of the Bible.

This week, we will finish the letter of St. Paul to the Romans and enter 1st Corinthians.

Here are chapters we will be reading for the next 7 days:

Sunday, September 24:
Roman 12,13

*Monday, September 25:
Romans 14,15

*Tuesday, September 26:*
Romans 16
1 Corinthians 1

*Wednesday, September 27:*
1 Corinthians 2,3

*Thursday, September 28:*
1 Corinthians 4,5

*Friday, September 29:*
1 Corinthians 6,7

*Saturday, September 30:*
1 Corinthians 8,9

Daily Bible Reading builds faith; instructs in righteousness; gives wisdom and spurs spiritual growth.

Join in this Daily Bible Reading Plan, and you’ll be blessed exceedingly, each day!


READ MORE ARTICLES  Bible Reading Plan for Week 60 (Sept 17 - 23, 2023)