Breaking New Grounds (Bible study)

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 8
Spread the Good News


Breaking new grounds involves discovering and exploring new opportunities in life. Often we tend to be satisfied with our present performance while there are whole lots of things we are capable of doing, things which can make us more relevant in our society.

Today, we are called to ponder on these and begin to break new grounds that abound around us. You can do more than you are doing now!

Class Study

1. What does ‘new grounds’ mean? (Bible Study verses: Genesis 15:1-6, 2 Kings 6:1-3, Mark 16:15)

a. New opportunities.
b. New territories.
c. Things we can do which we are not doing yet.
d. New challenges.
e. New goals.

2. Why is it necessary to break new grounds? (Bible Study verses: Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 28:18-20)

a. Fulfill God’s purpose
b. Remain relevant.
c. Increase in value.
d. Stay ahead.
e. Always aim at being better.

3. Where Can I Find My New Grounds? (Bible study verse: Exodus 31:1-11, Acts 26:12-18)

a. In the line of your Profession.
b. In your Ministry.
c. In your Skills/Talents.
d. In your relationship with others.
e. In your relationship with God.

4. What Can My New Grounds Be? (Bible Study verse: Nehemiah 1-2, Exodus 35:10-19, Matthew 4:18-22)

a. All your profession/vocation can offer.
b. Yearning or burning desires within you (Godly ones).
c. Taking your skills and talents to a new height/level.
d. Following God’s will.

5. What things will guide me in breaking new grounds? (Bible Study verses: Luke 1:37, Joshua 1:9, 1 Timothy 4:15)

a. Strong relationship with God.
b. Strong passion, being optimistic, not being discouraged.
c. Restlessness until your mission is accomplished.
d. Faith in God and what He can do.
e. Knowledge – quest to know more.
f. Seeking help where necessary.

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There are always new grounds to break. An evangelical ministry can explore radio and tv network as well as social media in order to propagate the gospel of Christ, if they are not doing so. An academian can embark on new research that will improve lives or pursue higher degree in order to better impact the society.

Breaking new grounds often comes with many challenges, but with firm trust in God and being resolute to succeed, victory will come. So we ask: where are your new grounds? Have you started breaking them? May God give you the grace to succeed in your new endeavours in Jesus name. Amen