4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

(2 Thess. 3:6-10.16-18; Mt 23:27-32)

Being a Christian does not give anyone an automatic ticket to the treasures of the earth. The God who commanded us to multiply and subdue the earth, did not intend that, we should fold our hands and then have riches and wealth poured into our hands.

So, if you are still one of those who move from one Church program to another, shouting the “loudest Amen”, but, not willing to work, you are definitely wasting your time.

Fellow Pilgrims, without mincing words, St. Paul in the in bible verse above, categorically stated that, anyone who is unwilling to work, should not eat. By that very instruction, St. Paul totally condemned therefore, every act of laziness and being a burden on others. It would be unchristian therefore, for anyone to feel entitled to the blessings of Abraham, and yet, be unwilling to be industrious like Abraham.

Beloved in Christ, God has so created each one of us so well that, if we looked very closely into ourselves, we would discover simple things we could do for ourselves to earn honest and simple lifestyles. With the current situation of our world today, it should be clear to everyone now, that, the days of “obiageli” (destined to eat) and “oriaku” (wealth eater), are now over. Be reminded that, only by the labour of your hands, shall you be blessed, for God has not created anyone to be lazing about in the world.


Lord God, help us to realize that, there is dignity in labour. Amen.

