Discipleship: Undestanding What It Entails To Be A Disciple.
8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
A disciple is a follower of a Master. He is under tutelage and learning looking forward to becoming like His master.
A disciple has no life of his own: He is totally dependent on the Master. Psalm 123:1-2 says that our eyes are on you Lord until He shows us His mercy. A disciple allows Christ to live in him as Saint Paul said in Galatians 2 verse 20. A disciple’s life is hidden in Christ meaning that only the life of Christ will be seen in him (Col. 3:3).
A disciple is yoked with the Master: This involves daily followership without hesitation. It entails listening to Jesus, learning from Him and following His instructions (Matthew 11:28-29).
Self-Denial: A disciple should not be selfish. He must not be self-centred but willing to suffer humiliation for the sake of the gospel; and must not feel ashamed nor want to retaliate (Phil 2:5-11).
A disciple Carries His Cross Every day: Cross is our portion. A cross is that which enables us walk truly in the path of God. Sickness may not be cross but persistence in holiness, love, and prayer is a cross (Luke 9:23).
A disciple must give all: He should not attach himself to anything he has. All things you have belong to God – Treasure, Time and Talent; and should be used as instrument for evangelization (Luke 14:33).
3 Important Things About A Disciple of Jesus: (Mark 3:13-16).
A). Must Be With Jesus – A disciple is a companion of Jesus. This helps him to know the Master very well and His message. In this process, the life of Christ will gradually be formed in that disciple’s life.
B). Proclaim The Message – His role is to declare of the message of Jesus Christ to
C). Cast Out Demons – With the authority given him, he should drive away the devil and his agents.

Cost of Discipleship (Luke 9:57-62):
A). There is no comfort zone in discipleship. A disciple must be ready at all times.
B). A true disciple must forgo excuses. He must be after the service of God.
C). There should not be double-mindedness. A true disciple must prefer God to any other person or thing.
What A Disciple Must Do Every day:
1). Daily being in touch with Jesus (Luke 9:18, Mark 1:35).
2). Daily study of the scripture (Joshua 1:8).
3). Daily bearing fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
4). Daily training and discipline (1 Cor.9:24-27).
5). Daily living with and loving other disciples of Jesus Christ (Hebrew 10:24-25, John 13:34-35).
Jesus needs disciples. This is the only life a believer has. Make necessarily
changes in your life today and become true disciple of Jesus Christ. Amen.