3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


This message is coming at a time when it seems there is no more hope for brethren again. Many challenges have risen in our time, that even the strongest are becoming weaker.

Challenges are natural, temporal, it is not strange to us, we as children of God can encounter it often, but one thing is important to note: In all these, we ‘re more than conquerors. Every child of God has a cross in his or her life. But no challenges greater than us can be allowed in our way. 1Cor. 10:13.

One of the things needed to hold onto is Faith – a spiritual gift of God given to us, which enables to believe without doubting whatever God has revealed. Hebrews explained it better Hebrews 11:1 as assurance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen. The kind of Faith we need is the type that comes from the hearing the word of God, the type with Divine sign and essence.

Why is the Faith so important in this trial time?

Without this FAITH, it is impossible to please God. With Faith we believe in the existence of God, the death, the resurrection and the ascension of Christ into Heaven. There is no miracle without FAITH, it is the summary of Christianity. It is only Faith that will help us to overcome this challenging time. It is this Faith that keeps us going even when we don’t have any reason to keep going. FAITH is the currency with which we trade with God – a medium of exchange.

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How can we hold/sustain our Faith in this challenging time?

1. Examine your heart (Proverb 4:23) – set your minds on things above, things that are eternal. Where your heart is, there your treasure is.

2. Mediate on the word of God (Joshua 1:8) – The entrance of the word gives life and understanding to the simple. The word of God is a lamp onto my feet and light onto my path. I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11). Faith comes by hearing the word if God, the testimonies of believers.

3. Don’t neglect the gathering of the brethren (Hebrews 10:25). Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). Two can keep warm but how can one person keep warm? Finding yourself in the midst of believers strengthens you more not to loose hope in God.

4. Distort from the world standard, Be transformed and renew your mind (Romans 12:1-2). Set your minds on how you can be better than yesterday, gather skills, make your self relevant in the society. Don’t give the devil a chance, shun distractions. Close the doors of your heart on worldly things.

5. Practice Charismatic Spirituality. How can we do this? By striving for Holiness, purity, chastity and uprightness. Righteousness exaults a nation, but sin is a reproach. God has given us all that is needed to live a godly life.

Arise and strengthen your feeble hands and feets. Christ reigns forever.