Holy Spirit: The Power to Overcome Sin – John 16:8-13 (Day 6)

6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them ‘a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:4)

Satan may never be able to block your blessing and can never put you perpetual bondage to sicknesses, failure, hardship or unnecessary sufferings, unless sin is ruling your life. That is how deadly and destructive sin is.

It is for this reason that spiritual giants risked their lives to avoid sinning against God. Joseph, in his bid not to sin against God and his master, was imprisoned for refusing to lie with Potiphar’s wife (Gen 39). Also Daniel and his three friends chose to die instead of sinning against God (Dan 1:8:3: 16-18).

So to break with sin requires your personal final decision not to have anything to do with it henceforth. It requires earnest endeavour and diligent faith, and spiritual warfare to resist Satan, sin and corrupt associations.

In Matthew 11: 12, Jesus advises us that only forceful kingdom people can break away from the sinful practices of the human race. But it is very possible that you may have been struggling on your own to overcome certain sins without success.

You cannot succeed until you invite the Holy Spirit, the Helper who releases unto you the power and the grace to overcome sin (Zech 4:6). He is the person that convinces and convicts you of your sins and the Holy Spirit sanctifies you (1 Jn 1:7) and helps you to shun sin.


Having repented of your sins:

  • Surrender your entire self to the Holy Spirit,
  • Allow Holy Spirit to guide and control you,
  • Let His fruit grow in you (Gal 5: 22-25).
  • Always meditate on the word of God,
  • Endeavour to be receiving the Holy Communion,
  • Never you again allow the flesh to gratify its unholy desires (Rom 13: 14).


1. As you have taken a decision against sins ravaging your life, take steps to go to sacramental confession.

2. For the next three (3) days, end all your prayers with:

“Oh Holy Spirit, I surrender myself to you as your temple come and live in me. Empower and help me as I embark on resisting and overcoming all sins disorganizing and unsettling my life. Help me to become a good disciple of Christ from this day onward. Amen!”