4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
(Philippians 4:13)
It is the will and utmost desire of God to see his children fulfilling the very purpose of their existence. But one thing is important to note, every success has steps to be followed.
Here are 8 keys to guide you towards achieving your purpose on earth.
1. Identify your self with the purpose giver (God). Many Christians have disconnected themselves from the purpose provider, as a result of this, they couldn’t meet up with the very reason of their existence. Acts 17: 26-27.
2. Knowledge of God’s will. It will interest you to know that many Christians have not really understood the will of God for their life. To understand this, knowledge of God’s word is inevitable.
3. Live for God. One thing to note is that it is not easy to live our entire life on God’s will, but very possible to do. This means forsaking self. Is it possible to live a sinless life in this sinful generation? The answer is YES. Many Christians have excess loads that prevent them from achieving God’s will for their life, when you begin to live for God, you will begin to offload some of them. Galatians 2:20
4. Obedience. This is recognizing God’s sovereignty and supremacy over your life. John 14:15. Be obedient to his words.
5. Unwavering Faith in God. Faith still remains the medium of exchange between Divinity and Humanity. It is what keeps us going when the journey becomes tougher. Anything done outside faith is sin. Have faith.
6. Wait patiently. Be assured that hasty climbers meet heavy fall. God designed the world and programmed it according to its time. He may allow certain trials and difficulties in your way, but it’s a process of nurturing you. Those who wait upon the Lord shall have their strengths renewed.
7. Exercise your God’s given gifts, talents & abilities. Luke16:10-12
8. Ask him everything in prayers and worship.