Living An Exemplary Life: 5 Areas To Watch.

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

While living holy and striving for perfection in life, Paul, the Apostles, pointed out five key areas every serious minded Christian must give attention to, and ensure he or she obtains good performance in them. The scripture verse that captures them well is first Timothy chapter four verse twelve(1 Timothy 4:12). These are discuss briefly below:


Your words should edify others. They should be truthful, inspiring men to good works. It is advisable to speak less and practice what one says. Jesus said that the Words He speaks are spirit and life. So, to ensure that sound and edifying words are said, one’s heart must be cleansed and hallowed as an abode of the Holy Spirit. Remember, ‘Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks’


As a believer, you must exhibit a high standard of respect and behaviour. Your manner of approach to issues, things, peoples or events must be good. You should not be easily irritated, ready to fight or cause confusion. No! that fruit of self-control must be showcased in all your dealings.


God is love (1 John 4:8), so your life must be full of love. This character of God must be shown in your life unequivocally, such love as taught by Jesus Christ, in Matthew 25:35-36, ‘when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat; thirsty, you gave me water to drink; naked, you clothed me; stranger, you took me in; sick, you visited me and in prison, you came to see me’

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In Faith

As revealed in scripture, faith is the substance of the things hoped for, evidence of things not seen (Hebrew 11:1). What you believe in must show itself in your life. You must have a strong confidence in God such that men who come in contact with you will even get to know and have some knowledge about the God you serve.

In Purity

God wants His people to be holy. Matthew 5:8 reads ‘blessed are the pure in spirit, for they shall see God.’ God dwells in an holy place and nothing unclean shall come near Him (Isaiah 35:8). As a believer, you must continue to conquer the flesh daily by living pure and upright life. With God all things are possible.

Do you desire to be an example to believers? Ask for the grace to live a life worthy and pleasing to God, a life as a true child of God. Share your opinion using the comment section below. Shalom.