Love: The Duty We Owe One Another. (Romans 13:8-10)

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

We cannot hurt someone whom we love. This is the message God is telling us today. And there is no one we should not love.

There are times when it seems there is no need to love. This is the time when all the worldly love – erotic, philia, ludus, pragma, philausta and storge make no sense. The only love that can keep you going all the times is agape love, which is God’s kind of love.

This love makes you to be quick in asking for forgiveness from someone you hurt. In marriages, for instance, agape love enables spouses to love themselves and their family members in spite of all challenges.

When people around you observed they are truly loved by you, they will love you in return. This knowledge of being loved strengths soul, and enables one to overcome trials and persecution.

Dear brothers and sisters, Let us stop envying and hating one another. Let us love one another from our hearts, for God our creator made us all out of His love.

Thank you.

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