Our Lord God is the Almighty.

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Amos.4.13 – For the LORD is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The LORD God Almighty is his name!

Today’s meditation tends to reveal a bit of the capacity of our God, He sharpens the mountain, stirs the wind and walk on the same mountain. But as mighty as He is, He reveal His thoughts to men. There four dimensions of God as revealed today;

1. the creative God who created the mountains and wind.

2. The Loving and caring God who reveals His thought to Men.

3. The powerful God who treads the mountain under His feet.

4.  The Almighty God of Host of Angels.
He is our God, the mountain before you can be smashed in a twinkle of an eye. We just need to follow and trust in Him. May the Lord help us to see him as He truly is. Amen.

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