Persevere In Prayer (Luke 18:1-8).
8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 2

First, keep your faith in God. He knows all things. Even when the worst happens, lean on him. Don’t give up on God.
Secondly, handle the situation. Be in control. Take charge! For instance, if your car is wrecked in an accident and hooligans want to take advantage of the situation to cause riot or mayhem, take charge. Stop them, calm the situation and dictate the pace.
Thirdly, Look beyond the time. See the future. The devastating events happening may warrant you to ask God to take your life. But don’t do it. Look beyond the present. God still has plans for us. (Jer.29:11)
Move on in life. Restrategise and press on with your calling, career or vocation. Don’t let the sad event render you idle or useless in life. As long as you have life, there is hope. Match on dear.
Last, but not the least, persevere in Prayer. Do not joke with prayer. Do not count how long you have been praying. A popular minister of God used to say, ‘Pray until something happens’. Pray dear. Keep knocking at the doors of heaven. God will answer you. Amen.
Obinna Onwuka Oct 17, 2016 at 9:53 pm
Thank you Lord. I will persevere.
ReplyVivian Obianuli Onwuka Oct 18, 2016 at 7:17 am
Message: Lord. I need your grace to persevere in prayer.