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Topic: Power of Persistent Prayer

Power – The ability, the force to do something.

Persistence – Sturbonly unyielding, Never giving up.

Someone who is persistent never takes ‘NO’ for an answer..

Ingredients of persistentency

1. Faith – Heb 11:1 – substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.
2. Patience – Calmness, never looks for options for other solution.
3. Humility
4. Love
5. Calmness
6. Forgiveness
7. Focus
8. Determination

All these must be found in an individual who is persistent. He/she doesn’t live a life of competition. You live in your own time zone. Psalm 34:5 – and they looked up to God.

Hebrews 4:16 – makes us understand that we should come to God boldly, not with numerous prayer points, but with a focused mind.

Giving up, going empty handed is not an option. Moses and Elijah persisted and they received answers to their prayers. Unforgiveness is a barrier to prayers being answered. Secret sins is also a hindrance to prayers. Hebrews 6:17 – God cannot lie and cannot fail. Then why are we giving up? Some of us follow God with our brain, and try to seek for alternatives, he who is persistent never gives up. God requires us to seek him first while being persistent in prayers, Matt 6:33.

Uniqueness of Persistency

2.He/She doesn’t take ‘NO’ for an answer
3.The person is Ardent
4.His life is revolutionised, because he puts in more efforts. God says – he who follows me will reap the fruit of the land.
5.He/She Navigates all odds. No obstacle stands before them.

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Luke 11:5-10 – If we are faithful to Christ, who is our friend, we will get most of the things that we seek. Most persons are looking at the hand of God instead of his face and heart, we are bothered about what we can get from him and go. Christ is not hard at hearing, his words always come to fulfilment. This is for those who seek him earnestly, not casually. Hebrews 11:6 – He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

Benefits of Persistency in prayers

1Peter 5:9-10 – After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all graces will himself perfect and give you firmness (establishment), strengthen and give you a sure foundation (settle you).

For every circumstance, there is a little time. He will restore you, and turn everything around for good, and this the devil cannot take away. God doesn’t need a reminder of what he can do. He does it at his own time. That is why we need patience and calmness. When there is worry, we cannot hear God. Abraham waited for the promise of Isaac, Moses used the power of persistency and co-operation with Aaron and Hur. Elijah prayed 8 times for the rain.

Steps to Persistency

1. Be of good Conversation – James 3:8-13. Let your identity always locate you
2. Always know that our time is different from God’s time. A day in our eyes is like a thousand in his.
3. Persistency is not to force God. Do not live a frustrated life. He who has promised will never fail.
4.Always demonstrate faith towards him and be obedient to his will.


Peace be with you all!!