Prayer – The Believer’s Power

4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 7
Spread the Good News


Definition of prayer from the scripture…

1. Prayer is an activity described as calling on God (Psalm 117 vs 6)

2. Prayer means calling in the name of God (Gen. 4 vs 2)

3. Prayer means crying aloud to the Lord (Psalm 3 vs 1)

4. Prayer means lifting one’s soul to the Lord (Psalm 25 vs 1)

5. Prayer means seeking the Lord ( Isaiah 55 vs 1)

6. Prayer means approaching the throne of grace (Hebrew 4 vs 16)

7. Prayer means drawing near to God.

The greatest privilege God gave to man is the freedom to approach Him at anytime. And He does not only authorize us to call on HIM but also invited us to call on HIM.

God wants us to communicate to HIM at anytime. As a child of God, we have full authority to contact with God whenever we deserve through prayers. The reason why our prayers is not answered is because of our inability to approach Him.

Acts 12:1-5

In Acts 12, believers neglected prayer until James was killed. When Peter was arrested to be killed as well, that was when they recognized the importance of prayer and the need to pray.

Note 1 : To be a christian is to be a prayer person, all christians are expected to pray.

There are also times when exta-ordinary praying is called for; at this time, the situation is tough and man can’t solve the problems except taking it up by praying.

Men That Prevailed through Prayer in the Bible


There were people in the bible who prevailed in prayers:

1. Abraham

Abraham was a great prayerful man. He prayed for the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 15 vs 23-33)

2. Moses

He was another prayer warrior, who prayed intensively. He prayed and asked God to declare his will; And he was willing to give his life for his people (Num 4 vs 1-20, Exo 33 vs 32-35, Exo 17)

3. David

David prayed earnestly, and through his prayer, the counsel of Ahithophel was defeated (2 Sam 12 vs 16-19, 2 Sam 15-31)

4. Elijah

He prayed extraordinarily. Through prayer, he locked up the heavens for three and half years. To make it rain again, he persistented in prayer ( 1 king 18 vs 41 – 46)

5. Jesus

Jesus’ prayer life was extraordinary. Every major event was preceeded by intensive prayer. Even now in heaven, the scripture said He lives to interceed for us (Hebrew 7 vs 25).

6. Daniel

Daniel prayed for 3 days and answer was given to His prayers but prince of persia without result. He persisted in prayers for the next 18 days until (Daniel 10)

In Luke 18, Jesus summarized it by telling us about a persistent widow, who insisted for her request to be granted.

Spiritual victories are won in spiritual warfare which can be done through prayer. If you need to be fruitful, you must engage in prayer

(This is time for churches to pray so that Peters of our time will not die)

Prayer demands persistence for victory to emerge upon any situation and circumstances (Daniel 10).

READ MORE ARTICLES  You Are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 6:19-29)

What Prayer Demands

For Prayer to bring intended results, it demands the following:

1. Prayer demands righteousness:

The fervent prayer of a righteous man attracts God and as well moves Him. This requires controlling our tongues, desires, anger, etc., and be disciplined. (Isaiah 3 vs 1-3).

2. Prayer demands faith:

Faith is a spiritual magnet that attracts God’s presences and favour. It’s ery effective and active only when there is freedom from lots of worries and doubt. Above all, faith represent us in God and without faith we can not appear before God (Hebrew 11 vs 12, Gen. 15 vs 6, 2 Cor. 20 vs 20, Matt 8 vs 13, Matt 21 vs 22, Mark 5 vs 36, John14 vs 12, Matt 17 vs 20, Acts 3 vs 16, Luke 8 vs 25.)

3. Prayer demands word of God:

We are expected to pray according to the bible promises, with the word of God. We should take time to study and know the Word of God.

4. Prayer demands perseverance:

You must persist in prayer in order to get the intended results.  Prayer is work!

5. Prayer demands authority:

We ‘re to command and not beg or appeal to situations.

6. Prayer demands time:

Prayer needs time. We must learn to devote quality time with God in prayer.


(This is a brief summary of the message delivered by Bro Pascal Onukwube on the night of April 16, 2021 during Prayer Group’s 2-Day Prayer Camp at Victory Land, Obosi)