Reflections On Luke 7:36-50.

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

I must prefer the knowledge of God to mere invitation of Him to be with me. If I do not seek to know Him more, He will just come, eat and go without His presence having any significant impact in my life.

While Simon invited Jesus to his house in today’s passage, it was a sinful woman who was not a member of the household that got Jesus’ blessing.

This tells me that having good understanding of what to do makes all the difference. This woman on learning that Jesus was in the city, took a decisive action that led to her freedom and peace.

I should henceforth take action that will enhance my life. I should not allow my past life to weigh me down rather I must strive to live right today. Jesus will help me. Yes, He will.

Jesus forgives sin no matter how many they are. He looks on my faith and in the sincerelity of my actions. He is God, not man.

He came to seek and save the sinners; He can do all things and can make a sinner a saint. He does not want people to perish but to repent and enjoy life with Him.

My Lord Jesus, I come to you today, forgive my sins and heal me. Give me peace and new life. Amen.

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