The Holy Spirit, The Fire Of Evangelization (Acts 1:8) by Fr. Joseph Nwilo

6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Holy Spirit is God, the third person in Trinity. He’s one with God. He’s the person and power of God in our midst.

He’s the agent of creation, the power in creation – Gen. 1:2, Ezekiel 37:1-10. He’s the source and power in creation. He’s the vehicle of God’s revelation and activities.

He give power and gifts to leaders to ensure the work of God continues – Read Isaiah 42, 1 Samuel 10:9-13. Jesus gave Apostles power over unclean spirits and to heal the sick.


The Holy Spirit is the glory that binds the Father and the Son.

Why The Gift Of Holy Spirit on Pentecost?

1. The Apostles were mere humans and lacking knowledge and were fearful. When Christ was around, it was like He Was The one that covered the Apostles, and gave them comfort.

2. To continue the mission of Christ, the mission of witnessing, the Holy Spirit becomes necessary. The proclamation of gospel is by words and actions. Christ purchased us to God for this purpose.

3. Holy Spirit is for the universal church. We now participate in the divine nature of God and received power for witnessing. Acts 2:14-41

IMG_20190608_121953How Did The Power Affect Their Witnessing?

1. It enabled the apostles to be united; they dwelt in peace and unity. Holy Spirit works against those who are untrue and deceitful.

2. Holy Spirit helps and enabled things work well. Saul turned from murderer to saviour (from ogbu mmadu to ozo mmadu) just be the Holy Spirit – Acts 12, 9.

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3. The power is for the renewal and building of the Church. At our baptism, we share in the priesthood, prophetic and kingship ministry. Through the Holy Spirit, we must live out our ministry without fear!

4. It empowers us for sanctification. But we must have hunger to do good and righteous things. Holy Spirit comes to empower and enable us accomplish them.

[1 Cor. 12, 13 and 14 shows various gifts and operations of the Holy Spirit. Love governs all gifts.]

5. It empowers the apostles to spread gospel to all nations not only to Israel. It also enable listeners to hear and understand the gospel.


Evangelization Today

1. Today’s evangelization is suffering! Though number of Christian is much today, evangelization seem slow.

2. We lack manifesting the Spirit. We are fearful and not wanting to bear active witnessing. The society of early Christian is more challenging than ours. Truth is one and not two.

3. Speak the truth! Don’t fear the fear of confrontation. God has not given us the Spirit of timidity or cowardice but of power, might and sound mind. Don’t refuse the Holy Spirit to go into refusal.

4. Don’t compromise! Don’t be for sycophancy. Don’t set boundaries where Holy Spirit will operate. Don’t give mischievous silence.

5. Expression involves a lot of functions of a person. Holy Spirit gives you power to express both mildly or in open confrontation.

We Are All On Mission

In our various professions, we are in Apostolic mission. You must earn truthful and professional.

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The Holy Spirit does not work in vacuum. The Word of God must be in you. It’s by this word that we are cleansed. You must listen to the Word of Christ.

Holy Spirit will enable us in all things, to say the truth, to stand strongly, and to do right things right.