The Ideal CCR Leader by Bro Paul Aruegbe [Leaders’ Training]

2 years ago Evangelical Ministry 2
Spread the Good News

Bread of Life Leaders’ Training

Topic: The Ideal CCR Leader

Minister: Bro. Paul Aruegbe

(Matthew 20:20-29, Hebrews 5:4)

Who is a leader?

A leader is that one who defines the direction of any organizational goal. A leader sees a destination from a point, draws a plan and then motivates members to meet that end. Haven this in mind, it doesn’t connote having a ministry, office or being elected, but rather motivating people to reach an established end.

God has a way of calling people, and when he calls, we don’t have to reject. Another thing about the call is that we don’t force our self into it. It is not by power nor by might. The leadership of the Renewal is not a leadership from the back, but a leadership from the front. The servant aspect must not be overlooked.


A CCR Leader is first in Catholic, then in Christian and a charismatic renewal member, by implication he has received baptism, he believes in Christ and then he understands and believes the Catholic doctrines and dogmas and works with God through prayers, he sees God’s direction and hears from God.

The purpose of the Renewal is to bring about the Renewal of members in the Church and not to replace the Church or what is existing.

*Attributes of a CCR Leader*

*1. Brokenness*

Brokennessa state of heart that God cannot deny, is a state of complete surrender. Before you get to a point of leadership, those aspects of our lives that create problem for our self and others must be dealt with. Are there areas in your life that need to be melted? Such areas are the things that need to be broken. Pouring ones life out as a drink offering that is not comfortable. Readiness to yield to the Holy Spirit.

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*2. Sense of Responsibility*

Ability to know what you ‘re supposed to do, and carrying it out effectively, and bearing the consequences of every action positively or negatively. If you don’t know what your role is, you will work amiss. So the process starts with knowing what your task is.

*3. Compassion*

Ability to understand your followers, empathize yourself with them and accommodate them. An ideal compassionate leader understands the fallen nature of man. But then, any compassion that does not try to bring a transformation is encouraging failure. If this happens, then our compassion will only lead to stagnation.

*4. A leader is a visionary*

He sees beyond others. This is not just a pictorial representation but also includes the things to do to bring these visions to fulfilment. Another aspect of this is that you don’t dream carnally. You may dream anyhow in the circular world but not in the house of God. Whatever your dream is must be what the Lord wills. When the Lord gives you a direction, you try and follow. A visionary leader sees tomorrow from today while a visionless leader creates a road map to failure. They provide no road map and direction.


*5. A leader is evangelistic*

He has soul winning as a priority. “The worst a leader can do is to return the number of souls handed over to him by a predecessor. It’s abominable to let the number decrease if you cannot increase it”
– Bro Geoffrey Okeke

It’s abominable for the number to decrease. Return the number as to the original size if you can’t increase it.

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*6. Humility*

You know you carry power, efficiency but it’s not something to grasp about.  You know who you are, but you don’t count them as anything. Being all things to all to men. It takes humility to finish well. A man who is not humble cannot finish well.

*7. Discipline*

Living under principles. This principles are embedded in your mind and allowing your mind to control your body. A man without principles walk recklessly in a mined field. You can’t come late and expect others to be early.

*8. Driven by Value*

Being valuable as a leader means not to be easily replaceable. Your worth must be enormous. This is something you have by building capacity. For you to be effective in leadership, you must build capacity to the point that your presence is always felt and your absence is noticeable.

*9. A leader and the Secret place*

God does not meet people everywhere, secrete place is is a place of encounter. It is your responsibility to meet God in a secrete place. The truth is that great men are reborn in the secrete place. Jesus was lead to the wilderness by the Spirit of God, but on returning, he returned in the power of God. It is in the secrete place that power is given.

*10. Relationship*

An ideal leader needs intentional relationship with his people. It creates a way of easy interaction and understanding the people you ‘re working with. Show me a CCR Leader and I will show you a leader that respects track records.

*11. Integrity and Accountability*

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Integrity is drived from the word ‘integer’ meaning sameness at all time, consistency at all time, wholeness. Integrity brings honour. Accountability means being able to render a complete effective report of whatsoever that is handed in your hands (it could be material or immaterial).

*12. Spend time with God*

A Charismatic leader must spend time with God, respectful and peaceful. You must have the ability to withstand pressure (pressure from work, home, friends, the world etc). In all this, leadership comes with great reward. The reward is both material and eternal.

[The training was from the book, “The Ideal CCR Leader” written by Sis Nonye Martin-Okwu]