The Importance of Praying Together As A Family

6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Prayer is the lifting up of our hearts and minds to God. When we pray we communicate with God; we praise Him, adore Him, worship Him, appreciate His presence, express gratitude for His works, and ask for our needs.

Praying as a family is a foremost and most rewarding Christian exercise which couples should uphold fervently for so many reasons:

1. It Builds Family’s Intimacy With God.

Family is a domestic church and the best place to encounter God. When your family prays together, members build closeness with God. Your family gets enriched with His presence and comforting love.

Your family begins to realise practically the true essence of Jesus Christ words in Matthew 18:20 (KJV): “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

2. It Enhances Bond of Love and Unity In The Family.

We have gone for our various works during the day, and had some experiences some good and some bad. In family prayer, we come together and worship God. In this process, family bond gets stronger, and as we express ourselves, hurts are healed, and unity build.

3. It Strengthen Communication In The Family.

In family prayer we speak to God and to one another. As we read the scripture, every person is given opportunity to reflect on the scripture verse(s) read. In doing this, members pour out their hearts to one another. By this each person’s voice is heard and appropriate responses or feedback given to him or her.

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4. Inculcation Of Good Christian and Societal Values

God requires parents to train up their children in the way they should go. Regular family prayers is one of those ways. Family prayers gives parents opportunity to share with their children and other members importance of obedience, love, peace, truth, morality, ethics, hard work, charity, kindness, compassion, and the likes. The children which grow with this virtue will rarely abandon them.

5. Leads to Orderly or Organise Life

It is said that the family that prayers together stays together. A regular or consistent family prayers brings orderliness in the family. Family members hardly live ‘anyhow’ life rather, with the bond of family prayer, each member lives an orderly life expecting with joy the coming evening, when all members come together at family altar.