The One Voice You Should Pay Heed To. 

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

‘Oh that Today you would listen to his voice’, the Psalmist said, ‘harden not your heart’ (Psalm 95:8).  Though there are many voices in today’s world, there is one that has stood for ages. It is not only superior to other voices but from it, others get their strength. That is the voice of God. It is the voice that made all things –  visible and invisible. Without Him, our existence will be futile. God has a voice and He continually speaks to His people.

Why Must I Listen To God’s Voice:

1). He Is Our Maker:

Psalm 95:7 says that He is our God and we are His people. He is the one that made us, we did not make ourselves. For this singular reason we should listen and be loyal to Him.

2). God Has A Personal Personal Plan For You. 

God knows us through and through and has a reason for creating us (Jeremiah 29:11). Listening to Him is the best thing to do in order actualise His plan for our lives.

3). He Knows The End From The Beginning:

God knows all things. He knows our place of safety and where evil dwells. So his words are not punishment but direction on the right path to life.

4). God’s Word Gives Life:

In John 6:63, Jesus said that the words He speaks to us are spirit and life. God does not open His mouth in vain. He issues forth His words for the nourishment of our souls and upliftment of our spirit. That is why God said, ‘cut out from me, you can do nothing’ ( John 15:5).

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5). Because He Will Judge Us On The Last Day:

There is no need rebelling against God since we know very well that He, the Lord God will be our judge on the last day! What excuse shall we give Him for not listening and obeying his voice when we finally see Him.

What other reasons do you think men should listen to God. We would like to hear from you. Comment below.