The Relevance Of The Sevenfold Blessings of Abraham To Christians Today.

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 9
Spread the Good News

Abraham is fondly called the ‘father of faith.’ Why? Because of his firm believe in what God has disclosed. God rightly changed his name from ‘Abram’ (a name which means Exalted father) to ‘Abraham’ (meaning the father of many ) as a mark of and the starting point toward the fulfillment of those rich and lasting promises which he did received from Him (Genesis 17:5).

And through faith in Christ, believers today do partake in these rich blessings which God Almighty lavished on Abraham. (Galatians 3:13-14)

What Are Those Promises And How Are They Beneficial To Us? (Genesis 12:2-3)

1. I Will Make Thee A Great Nation:
The Lord God is always after the growth and fruitfulness of anyone that is His. This one promise comes to erase any wrong perception of oneself as being inferior, small, ugly, old, not-too-good, not smart, old fashioned, abandoned and good-for-nothing. If the one that made heaven and earth says that you will be great, know for sure that He is committed to do it!

2. I Will Bless You:
The God’s kind of blessing is continuous, full of joy, irrevocable and eternal. God is not man that He can lie. Proverb 10:22 says that the blessing of the LORD makes a person rich and He adds no sorrow with it.

3. I Will Make Your Name Great:
There are some cultures in which parents strive to retain the names of their forefathers as the family surnames, but that is the far those names can go. However, when God decides to make your name great, He will do an uncommon thing in your life that will cause many generations to remember your name for good.

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4. You Shall Be A Blessing:
This is the outcome of being blessed by God Almighty. When your cup overflows, men will come to partake in your richness. O Lord, make me a blessing. Amen.

5. I Will Bless Them That Bless You:
God’s blessing will attract people to your doorpost and as they truly rejoice with you over the good things God has given you, He(Lord) will likewise bless them. As in the case of Lot, Abraham’s nephew, just because He followed Abraham, God blessed him too.

6. I Will Curse Him That Cursed You:
A curse is an expressed wish that misfortunes, evil, failure and likes, will befall someone. This promise comes not only to protect you from curses but to ensure that anyone that raised a curse against you does not go unpunished. Let’s see if that fellow will still have strength to curse you after God’s anger is meted to him.

7. In You Shall All The Families of The Earth Shall Be Blessed:
A song says, ‘Abraham’s blessings are mine, I am blessed in the morning, I am blessed in the evening, Abraham blessings are mine.’ With this last promise, God has opened the door of blessings to us who believed in Jesus Christ and are part of one family of God.

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