Why Should I Wait On God?

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Hope is a believe that something one requested or prayed for will happen. The Cathecism of Catholic Church (CCC 1817) referred to it as a theological virtue by which we wait for the Kingdom of God and eternal life.

In hope, a soul clings unto God and remain there, waiting until He answers. During this period, the soul comes close to God, pay heed to Him and carry out His instructions.

But Why Should I Wait on God? Why can’t I have it my own way?

A). God Has A Perfect Timing:

His thoughts are not like ours. In Ecclesiastes 3:11, Solomon revealed that God makes all things beautiful in their own time. God is never late. He is always on time, and His time is the best.

B). Renewal of Strength:

God does something awesome for those who truly wait for Him. He renews their strength, enabling them to carry out more glorious works even while they are waiting for Him.

Isaiah 40:30-31 specifically points out that those who wait on God shall renew their strength. God transforms them from one glory to another.

C). Attracting God’s Huge Blessings:
If you want to experience real and ‘mouth watering’ blessings of God, then practice the attitude of waiting. Do not be in haste to receive from God. God is not a magician.

God blesses those who wait on God patiently, and when He blesses, it is always great and awesome (Cases abound: Isaac birth when Abraham was 100 years old).


D). God Is Faithful.
God is bound by His word. He does not lie. He is faithful to His word. Believe Him, for surely He knows and have heard your prayers.

Wait on Him for He knows what you truly needs and will grant you your heart desire.
