3 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

  • Introduction:

Our salvation is sustained by accepting the lordship of Jesus over our lives. The lordship of Jesus is not theoretical, it is something we live out. When you have accepted the lordship of Jesus, then you become his disciple.

A disciple is one who submits to a master for the purpose of learning. A disciple is expected to be a testimony of the superiority of the master.

Discipleship to Jesus is not a call to servitude or slavery, but he wants us to be like him (Rom 8:29-30). Jesus wants us to be exactly like him (Eph 4:13). He wants us to assume his nature; which is holiness. Every disciple of Jesus is suppossed to get to that point where people will look at him and see Jesus (Gal 2:20).

Only a true carrier of Christ can live without sin. The essence of Christ dwelling in us is that we may overcome sin. In fact, Jesus came purposely for us to live a holy life (1John 3:6-9). When we submit to Jesus as disciples, His intention is that we should be like him.

Jesus wants his disciples to be transformed and be like him in:

1. Nature
The proof that you are a disciple of Jesus is how much you grow to be like him.

2. Authority
God made us co-rulers to rule with him (Eph 2:4-6), but some of us are not yet ruling because we have not yet grown to the height where God can trust us with power (Gal 4:1-2). The authority God wants us to wield is so enormous (Mtt 18:18) that he cannot entrust such a power to just anyone.

READ MORE ARTICLES  Thanking God in all you do

God did not call us to be servants. He called us to share in his authority. We are co-heirs. If you become a good disciple, God will entrust you with some measure of authority.

3. Power (John 14:12)
The kingdom of God is not just words but about demonstration of power (1 Cor 4:20).

To grow as a disciple, it takes submission and learning. You should be able to submit at least 3 hours daily to Jesus in prayers. The problem with some of us is not lack of time, but priority. Until we submit to Jesus in our daily study of his word (1 Pet 2:2), we will not grow.

We must also learn to submit to grace. Without submission to grace, we cannot go anywhere. No disciple can ever progress without humble submission. No disciple can make it without humility.

The Cost of Discipleship

To be a disciple of Jesus has a cost. So serious is this cost of discipleship that he likened it to a war (Lk 14:20-24). There are two major costs.

1. Forsake yourself:

If you cant forsake anything for the sake of Jesus, you are not ready to be a disciple. If you must be a disciple, you must learn to turn your occupation into a vocation. You must serve God through it.

2. You must carry your Cross:

There is no discipleship without cross. By cross the bible meant;

a. The cross of shame. It entails bearing the stigma of serving Jesus. There is always a measure of shame attached to serving Jesus in this world (Heb. 13:13).


b. The cross of separation (2 Cor 6:17-18). You can’t be a disciple if you are not ready to separate. This encompasses both Moral separation, social sepatation, and spiritual separation.

_”Once you know what you carry, what you carry must change your attitude”._

What disqualifies a disciple?

Jesus wants everybody to be his disciple, but he is choosy (Lk 9:57-69). Jesus does not accept just anybody as a disciple. Some of the things that will disqualify one from being a disciple are:

1. Greed and self glory will disqualify you.

2. Lack of commitment (Lk 9:61-62): Most of us lack commitment; we are following jesus with something attached to it. Rom. 12:1 says – offer your self as a living sacrifice, wholly and acceptable to him.

3. Lack of total obedience. There is only one law, and that is the word of God. Whenever the norm around us disagree

with the word, you must not hesitate to stand with God’s word (John 8:31).


Those who wish to be true disciples must submit to the Lordship of Jesus.