You Are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 6:19-29)

8 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Meaning and Implication

bread-and-cup-2The word of God tells us we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We bear God on our inside, we carry him about. We are more than we look to the human eye.
When we make the decision of becoming Born again, accepting the divine life, God gives us not just his gifts but we come to inherit Him. Gen. 15:1kjv. God says- I am your shield and your reward. God gives us himself with all he is and has. But God will not entrust himself to just anyone.

The Requirements:
1. Separation: Lk 14:26, Gen. 12:1-3.
Even from the beginning, all those that God has dared to entrust himself to had to separated themselves:
-Abraham from his kindred and family. Gen 12:1-3.
-Joseph from Sin. Gen 39:9.
-Moses from the pleasures of Egypt. Ex.3:1-10, Heb.11:24.
-Daniel and his Companions from whatever defiles. Dan. 1:8.
-Jesus from self. Jn. 5:30.
-The disciples, etc. Matt.4:18-22.

Indeed, any man to bear God in his inside, be a temple of the Holy Ghost must first be separated.

2. Consecration:
Consecration or dedication is beyond belonging to, it means belonging WHOLLY and ONLY to. God will not entrust himself to any man that is not dead to himself and own interests. St Paul describes this as our only reasonable service. Rom. 12:1. This is the life we now bear after we separated ourselves and get consecrated to God. He fills us with his Goodness as He dwells in the temple of our bodies.

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The gifts of God in us are without measure:
-To ABRAHAM he was a BLESSING to the whole earth. Gen. 12:1-3.
-In ISAAC is made for FRUITFULNESS. Gen. 26:12.
-JOSEPH was PROSPEROUS even in Bondage. Gen 39:2.
-In BEZALEL and OHOLIAB He manifested as SKILLS. Ex. 31:1-6.
-In SOLOMON’S TEMPLE He manifested as Glory.
-In DANIEL AND HIS COMPANION He showed up as WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING even of Spiritual things.

And Paul declares ‘EVEN MUCH MORE do we have in the new covenant in Jesus’ 2 Cor. 3:11.
Brethren, the Spirit of Jesus lives in YOU, He lives in ME, He lives in US. We are filled with the goodness of God and we are the blessing this generation and those to come need for a solution. We must let the light in us shine. We bear something great, we carry MUCH MORE. We are restored to the DOMINION God intended for man in Adam. Lk. 10:19
We bear:
-TheTREASURE OF GOD. 2 Cor. 4: 7
-The GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 1 Cor. 12:8-10
-The GIFTS FOR THE CHURCH. Eph. 4: 11-16

God’s Purpose
The gifts of God is first for the building of the body of Christ, not as a physical structure but first in life of men. Gods first purpose is that all members of the body of Christ will come to the fullness of the stature of Jesus. Then we must take this gift to the market place, to our offices, schools, businesses, hospitals, indeed every where we go. Eph. 4: 12-16
We must now LET the light Shine.

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