God thinks better for us

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 1
Spread the Good News

Eph.3.20 – Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.

God is able to do far more than we can EVER think of or imagine. So I begin to to wonder to which length one can one think or imagine in life. Even to my unthinkable, unimaginable great length, God can take me there. But the Bible says it’s through His power at work in us. So it is the level to which I allow His power to be at work in me, that can determine this work of God in my life. So to say I am my limitation, the level I allow God to work within me , will then depend on my manifestations. So God’s power is available to do extreme and unimaginable great things through me, that is far beyond what my mind can carry, but through the working of Gods Spirit( Power) in us. Thank you Lord, we believe you can do far more than our mind can ever imagine, may we partner with The Holy Spirit always as He does this in and through us. Amen