NOW IS THE TIME (Exodus 3:7-8) – CCRN 21 Days prayer of power demonstration

5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


The entire humanity had been in bondage before the advent of Jesus Christ because of the sin of one man (Rom. 5:12-19). No wonder the bible said that the whole creation is under the power of sin. When Christ came, he gave freedom to man. Luke 4:16-18.

God foretold Abraham that his descendants will be in slavery for 400 years (Gen. 15:13), he then assured Moses that the time of deliverance has come (Exo. 4:7-8).

Now, what is that slavery you are into? What is that situation that has kept you in bondage for years? What is that problem giving you sleepless night? Now is the time for deliverance and freedom.

Time is a reminder, and what we don’t have. The scripture says that there is time for everything. You have to see this time as a moment of breakthrough, liberation and shaking off from ugly situations.

God has programmed everything in it’s time. Patience is what believers need. Therefore, if God has said that the time is now, it means that your patience and endurance have produced answered prayers. So many Christians are heavily loaded with burdens, difficulties, and of truth, there is no time in the history of this country that the masses have suffered like we are doing today, perilous and precarious time, but hear the good news, the time is now to console God’s own people.

Time is a factor and to understand it, you have to make it your partner rather than your opponent. A day of joy is worth more than thousand years of sorrows. Do not be concerned about your current age but concentrate on what God is about to do in your life.


Now is the time!!
Praise God!!!