Reflections On Daniel 10:4-19.

7 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

The words of today, though addressed to Daniel, are for me. In love, God comes to help me.

I am greatly loved by God the Father. For two times in the passage the angel spoke to Daniel on how he (Daniel) was loved. In verse 11, he said, ‘O Daniel, man greatly beloved…’ and in verse 18, he said, ‘O man greatly beloved, fear not, peace to you: be strong, yes be strong.’

In love, the LORD God listens to my supplication and prayers. Because He loves me, He instructs me and takes great action in order to assist me in my life journey and in difficult times.

If an angel can spent 21 days wanting to reach Daniel just to convey a message to him and to strengthen him, then God is prepared and very disposed to help me in all situations.

This helps me to understand why He sent Jesus to die for us. The scripture said that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). This love is awesome. His love for me is very very strong. I cannot understand it fully.

All I have to say is, ‘Thank you Lord.’ Today, He tells me, ‘Fear not! Peace be with you, and Be strong.’ Amen.

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