4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News


The world is wrought with people who consistently offend us either intentionally or inadvertently. Thus, it is a common occurence in our daily experience, be it in our offices, market, school, family or even church.

Forgiveness can be defined as an individual, voluntary internal process of letting go of feelings of recentment and anger and the need for vengeance and retribution for offences committed against us.

“When we fail to forgive it breeds in us bitterness, grudge”.

God himself started the process of forgiveness in the garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve sinned, he did not condemn them to their disobedience, but He forgave them by sending His son Jesus Christ to come and die for us all (Lk 23:34).

As christians, we are not assured of a life that is free of conflict. Occassions of sin is bound to occur every now and then. When anyone who sins against us asks for our forgiveness, we must forgive as we have no choice (Lk 17:1-3).

Practical Acts of Forgiveness:

1. Joseph forgave his brothers (Gen 17:14)
2. David forgave king Saul even when God delivered Saul into his hands (2 Samuel 16:8)
3. Solomon adviced us to go beyond forgiveness but also do good to those who offend us (Prov 25:21).
4. Jesus emphasises the need for forgiveness as a necessary condition to attract God’s blessings (Mtt 6:5-13)
5. Stephen forgave even at the point of hideath (Act 7:1fd)

For this programme to be profitable to us, we must take time to reflect on how well we have forgiven. As God’s chosen ones, we must put on heart-felt compassion, be patient with others, bear with one another, show forgiveness to one another. When we forgive, our sins will also be forgiven by God and divine blessings, open doors will be released upon us. Forgiveness closess doors of darkness in our lives and gives us access to etetnal life.

READ MORE ARTICLES  The Reverend Father Who Saw Hell, Purgatory and Heaven.