5 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
“After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals.”
There is one remarkable thing to note in the above scriptural texts…. When the generation that experienced the first hand encounter with God were all dead, another generation who knew nothing about the Lord and his wonders grew up with evil deeds.
It’s a big shame that the past generation who ate and dined with God didn’t teach their children the very God they served and his wonders.
How can someone serve one God and his children another God?? This really perturbed me so much.
To our parents, how do you train your kids in the ways of the Lord. The bible says; “train a child in the ways of the Lord so that when he grows, he won’t deviate from it”
Many parents today allow their children to be addicted to home videos, too much playing and games, but can’t seat down to teach their children how to read and study bible, read spiritual books, join various spiritual organizations. When you overlook this things, the devil will come with his strategies and take possession of that kid.
To you who is not a parent yet but have young ones around you, how do you go about bringing them in the ways of the Lord?
This was exactly the case of the Israelites, the repercussion of not bringing them up in God’s words led to their suffering and punishment when they went astray.
Take up that child today and teach him the ways of God!
Peace be with you!