The Riches of Faith in Christ

6 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
Spread the Good News

Romans 5:1‭-‬2

“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (NKJV).


From these verses, what are the things we obtained through Jesus Christ? Read the verses again. What are those things God has freely given us just because we believed?

Three of them are evident from that scripture:

1. Peace with God: we are not enemies any longer. Jesus Christ has reconciled us to God.

2. Access to God’s Grace: God’s grace is now abundant to us. This grace strengthens us to carryout out His works effectively on earth.

3. Sharing in God’s Glory: We look forward to sharing in the glory of our God. This glory is reserved for God’s faithful.

Brethren, what a thing Jesus Christ has done for us. What marvellous thing has our faith in Christ brought to us. May we cherish this gift, and may they keep us joyful and steadfast in our walk with God. Amen.


+ Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of faith. I appreciate and love you.
+ Jesus, my Saviour, may I faithfully serve God all the days of my life. May I never forget what you have done for me.
+ Lord, make me an effective disciple, that I may reach out to others with the message of salvation, and through your grace win souls for God. Amen.

READ MORE ARTICLES  Understanding The Love God Has For Us.