How a 5 Year Old Child Saved His Dad From Death!

2 years ago Evangelical Ministry 8
Spread the Good News

A trouble father was sitting on the floor of his apartment trying to end his life. He has given up on God admist his many challenges.

He has just been sacked from his job. Two Months earlier, his two family businesses collapsed. Just a week ago, his farm was flooded and all the crops washed away.

He borrowed heavily to finance the 3 businesses and lenders were on him to pay back the loans!

Admist the mounting challenges, he chased his wife out the house and marriage saying she was a bad luck to him.

Just as he sat thinking how to end his life that faithful evening, his 5 year old daughter, their only child, came to play with him. But he wasn’t in the mood!

As she kept disturbing him, the father took a map of America hoisted in the wall, tore it into several pieces and handed over to her.

“Go to your room and put the map together,” he shouted at her.

As the daughter left, he went to kitchen and took a knife to kill himself. He was hoping that before the child will come back, he must have died!

Surprisingly, as he was coming out of the Kitchen, there was her child with the full map of America well fitted and taped together!

The father was shocked!

He was surprised that she was able to figure out the map within seconds!

“How did you do that so fast?”, he inquired

“On the back side of the map was a picture of Jesus”, his daughter said, “I just put Him together and the map came together!”

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His daughter’s statement ran several times in his mind: “On the back side of the map was a picture of Jesus, I just put Him together and the map came together!”

He remembered how he has cursed and thrown Jesus away in the midst of his challenges. He cried and wept and embraced his daughter passionately.

That statement changed his life! It was his turning point!

That night, he reconciled his life with Christ and began a new relationship with Him. He began to feel a sense of joy and peace in his life.

He rejoined his church fellowship and reconciled with his wife.

Not long, he secured a major contract that helped him to pay off his debts and started two new businesses. And their family lived ever happily with 3 more Children.

💥 There is no life that Jesus cannot to transform and put together!

💥  If He can die for you; what else can He not do!

💥 Welcome Jesus into your life. Have a time with Him and His Word daily.

💥  Ask Him to lead you. He will walk with you through every challenges and see to your success. Amen.

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