Building a Healthy Charismatic Renewal in Awka Diocese

4 years ago Evangelical Ministry 0
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This is the highlights of the 2nd Seminar presented by Bro Chinedu Orakwe on 27th March, 2021, during the 2-Day Training of CCRN Leaders in Awka Region


Unhealthy family causes friction. Unhealthy business won’t prosper. Unhealthy person can’t do a lot of things. The same applies to Christian community.

As we know, when any part of our body is sick, the whole body gets disturbed. If the leadership has problem, Ministries will be affected. Individuals weaknesses affects the whole community negatively.

And to build a healthy Charismatic community, you need to, first, build the leaders of the Charismatic Renewal.

What Made Renewal Unhealthy?

1. What Renewal Eat.

2. Careless Living.

3. Abandoning Most Important.

4. Leadership Tussle.

5. Lack of Heavenly Minded Persons.

6. Poor Training of Probation Members.

7. Financial Minded Pursuits

8. Ministrial Leadership Lapses.

9. Too Busy Outside the Business of God.

What Unhealthiness Can Cause? (Haggai 1:4)

1. The enemy will overpower you.
2. Lack of impact.
3. It can cause death – physical and spiritual death.

What Happens When You’re Healthy?

1. You’re happy and fulfilled
2. The will of the Father is fulfilled

Solution to the Problem of Unhealthiness of Catholic Charismatic Renewal

1. We must have an agreement with one another. Together we must stand (Amos 3:3)

2. Individuals must realise the areas of their weakness and come back and reconcile with God.

3. Leaders Should bear and tolerate each other.

4. Leaders must be willing to suffer. There are things Christ left for you to do (Col 1:24).


5. Use your resource persons.
✓ Don’t rely only on outside people.
✓ Look out for your members’ talents & areas of specialization.
✓ Have positive envy for your talented people.
✓ Train them to groom their talents.

6. Leaders should have Community day of seeing people.

7. Introduce diocesan ministrial day.

8. Be sincere with your dealings with your fellow human being.

9. Stop running away from duty.

Three Doctors of the Church Leaders Should Know and Partner With Always

The Church has 33 doctors. Leaders should at least study these 3 of them and ask for their assistant always.

1. St Theresa of Avila – For Help in Prayers.

2. St. Jerome – for Word of God, Bible

3. St. Thomas Acquinas – for Angelic Assistance


(Bro Chinedu Orakwe is the Intercessory Ministry Coordinator on Onitsha Diocesan CCRN. He’s a seasoned evangelist with over 27 years experience in Healing, Deliverance, Preaching and Soul-Winning)